Grandmothers & Mothers, spent Fall harvesting their Summer time vegetables & fruits. They spent many hours in the kitchen preserving their Summer time garden, by bottling them for wintertime use.
We wanted to take their ideas by finding a simplified way to harvest your garden, and use it all winter long. So we have found ways to freeze dry your fruits & vegetables so that they stay all year.
1: take your favorite apple, wash, scrub, and rinse under cold water
2: peel apples using a paring knife or vegetable peeler
3: cut apples into desired slices
4: remove the core and seeds
5: put sliced apple in a bowl of water and 3 Tablespoons lemon juice
6: place apple slices on parchment paper on a cookie sheet ( make sure they aren't touching)
7: stick in freezer and freeze until firmly solid
8: remove apples of cookie sheet, and place into freezer-safe plastic bags or freezer-safe container
9: Place back in freezer
10: apples will last for 6-9 months
11: use in any cooking method
1: wash and scrub peaches
2: peel peaches with a paring knife or vegetable peeler( our method we prefer to blanch peaches, because it makes them soft)
3: cut into desired slices or chunks
4: remove the pit
5: place them in a bowl of 1 Tablespoon lemon juice for every 2 cups of water
6: spread them out in a single layer on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper
7: freeze until firmly solid
8: remove peaches from cookie sheet, and place into freezer-safe plastic bags or freezer-safe containers
9: Place back in freezer
10: peaches will for 6-9 months
11: use in any cooking method or eat fresh from the freezer
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